
a bit about me

I’m not sure how many people discover their life passions at age six but all it took was singing at one family wedding in 1996 to get me hooked. Following that hot summer day I performed at every possible opportunity, and my passion for music blossomed. 

Throughout school, I joined every musical ensemble we had. I sang in numerous state and regional honor choirs including the All-State Chorus, traveled for competitions, performed in every musical, cantored for Masses, and of course, continued singing for weddings. 

I picked up a few instruments along the way including the flute, guitar, and various percussion instruments, but the piano had my heart. I studied with Sally Jost through grade school and continued with Dr. Elizabeth Grimpo at Concordia University, where I also studied vocals under the direction of Emmy Bou.

I continued studying music through college where I was a member of the Concordia University A Cappella Choir and Chamber Choirs. With them, I traveled on thirteen tours, eleven domestic and two international where we performed in a combined total of ten countries across Europe, including the Spittal an Der Drau International Choir Competition in Austria.

Today I live in Elkhorn with my husband and our two children. I cantor for Masses across Omaha and sing for as many weddings as I can say yes to. A true romantic at heart, I still tear up during every first kiss, these twenty-five odd years later.

If you have any questions for me, please reach out! I would love to hear from you.